Here you can download free the story book of Jeremiah, the colouring drawings provided with the game and some of the logical games from
Jeremiah and The Kings!
Take a look at
the other games!

Jeremiah and The Kings - the life of a man who choosed to remain with his people!

Click here (or on the book's cover) to see this simple and beautiful illustrated story about Jeremiah!

Free download for colouring drawings!


Two pictures almost identical... beside seven details!
Click here! (or on the picture from left, then Save as or Print) to have this small game!

In Jeremiah and The Kings you will find five such games!

Two cards with winding roads which lead the soldiers to various destinations. Find out where does the soldier arrive! Click on each of the drawings on the right (and then Save As or Print) to have these games.
In Jeremiah and The Kings you will find five such games!

Two cards with the objects that make up a mosaic where are the words of a verse from Jeremiah. But a word is not part of the verse. Find it! Click on each of the drawings on the right (and then Save As or Print) to have these games.
In Jeremiah and The Kings you will find five such games!

Squares with letters to be collected following the chess horse jump to get a meaningful word in the history of Jeremiah Click on each of the drawings on the left (and then Save As or Print) to have these games. .
In Jeremiah and The Kings you will find five such games!