
| Farewell
to Brothers it is a game that takes us to follow the traces
of Paul since his return to God and unto Rome.
The box contains:
- three sets of cards
with questions from the Book of Acts, about Paul's life and about his
misionary journeys.
On one side
of the cards there are one, two or three ships, corresponding to
dificulty level of the question, the name of the game, in which
of the apostle's missionary journeys occured what is reffered in
the question and where in the Bible is described that journey.
On the other side there are:
- the question
- correct answer
- the Bible
verse or verses in which we can find the correct answer
The questions
are grouped in three levels of dificulty:
- 45 green
cards (one ship) – 1 point value
- 45 blue
cards (two ships) – 2 points value
- 45 pink
cards (three ships) – 3 points value
- a set of 9 yellow
cards with special indications for various moments of the game
- 4 sets of 4 coloured
pawns each
- game board: on
one side there is a map with Apostle Paul's missionary journeys, on
the other side it's a game area with coloured squares
all these you can play two different games: Farewell to Brothers
- JOURNEYS and Farewell to Brothers - STRATEGY
Farewell to
Brothers - JOURNEYS
Can be played by
two, three or four players or teams. It plays on the board containing
Paul's travel map. The game consists in moving a pawn (for each player
or team) to a route that follows one or more of Paul's journeys.
The pawns are moved according to number of points earning to questions
on the card and following the rules and instructions specific to certain
phases of the journey.